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Learning the Truth

God is building a place to dwell on the earth. That place is not a building made of stone and mortar; that place is the heart of man.

The Old Testament Tabernacle in the Wilderness was a temporary dwelling place of God, as the Israelites were led through the wilderness to the promised land. After they became permanently placed in the land of Israel, a temple of stone was built and the two inner rooms of the Tabernacle became permanently established in this Temple.

There is no longer a Temple of stone in Israel. God caused it to be destroyed in 70 a.d. -- the type and shadow being removed so that the focus could be on building the TRUE temple God always intended -- MAN INDWELT BY GOD.

God had emphatically instructed Moses to build the Tabernacle exactly according to the pattern that He gave. This indicated that the Tabernacle was a very important structure, and meant something far beyond just a temporary place for sacrifices to be made and for Old Testament worship rituals. The exact pattern had to be followed because it was a type and a shadow of something or Someone far more important to come.

Denominations and sects battle and contend over what true Christianity is all about. Those who focus on ritual and tradition miss the point. Christianity is about building the Temple of the Holy Spirit -- a dwelling Place for God. It is about man, the temple of the Holy Spirit, being perfected as a place for God to dwell. That is what the New Testament clearly teaches. Jesus teaches it; the Apostle Paul teaches it; the Apostle Peter teaches it. Christianity is not about prosperity in a material sense, or church buildings, or even about "dying and going to a remote far-off place called heaven." It is all about man becoming a living stone in the temple of God, made holy through the processes of salvation and sanctification, and through that living temple, God's glory eventually covering the earth.

The Tabernacle (Temple) is Christ, where God meets man, man comes back to God through redemption, and man indwelt by the Spirit is made perfect in His Presence - by GRACE through FAITH.

This site focuses on a study of the Old Testament Tabernacle, teachings on man as the Temple (dwelling place) of God, and an explanation and exposition of the Scriptures with those truths in mind.

Before we begin the study of the Tabernacle itself, we will introduce you to the meaning of typology, in order to give you greater understanding.

Introduction to Typology

Tabernacle Subjects

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